Integration Classic is a team fitness competition event for 2-person teams. There are Rx, Intermediate and Fitness divisions.
Two Person Teams: MM, FF or MF
Divisions: Rx / Intermediate / Fitness
4 Workouts
Cost Per Team: $110
Each registered team member will receive a t-shirt and swag bag.
AMRAP 6:00 x 2
*Partner A and Partner B work at the same time.
**Rowers will be set to 6:00.
Partner A: Calorie Row
Partner B: 5 Deadlifts then 30 Double-unders / 45 Single-unders
-2:00 Transition-
Partner B: Calorie Row
Partner A: 5 Deadlifts then 30 Double-unders / 45 Single-unders
Rx: M-225# / F-155#; Double-unders
Intermediate: M-185# / F-125#; Double-unders
Fitness: M-135# / F-95#; 45 Single-unders
Movement standards
Row (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxfhQMbATCw)
Deadlift (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZXobu7JvvE)
Double-unders (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82jNjDS19lg)
Single-under (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCuXYrTOMxI)
Score 1: Total rounds / Score 2: Total calories rowed
For Time…8 Rounds
*This is an I go; you go workout.
15’ Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges
10 Toes-to-bar15’ Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges5’ = 1 rep.
**Each 15’ walking lunge begins and ends with both feet completely past the designated start and end lines with the athlete standing completely vertical, arm locked out and in control of the barbell.
Rx: T2B; M-105# / F-70#
Intermediate: T2B; M-75# / F-55#
Fitness: Knees above hips; M-55# / F-35#
Time Cap: 15:00
Movement standards
Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6MczOv_Ayg)
Toes to-bar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dHvTlsMvNY)
Score: Time to complete / Total reps at time cap.
For Time…
500m row
27 Thrusters (M-105# / F-70#; M-95# / F-65#; M-65# / F-45#)
500m row
21 Thrusters
500m row
15 Thrusters
500m row
9 Thrusters
500m row
6 Thrusters
*The row can be broken up any way you please. The thrusters, however, are synchronized – you’re welcome!
Time cap: 18:00
Movement standards
Row (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxfhQMbATCw)
Thrusters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aea5BGj9a8Y)
Score: Time to complete / Total reps at time cap.
For Time…6 Rounds
*This is an I go; you go workout.
15’ Handstand Walk / Bear Crawl
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch (Rt arm ONLY)
15 Wall Balls5 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch (Lt arm ONLY)
15’ Handstand walk
5’ = 1 rep.
**Each 15’ handstand walk/bear crawl begins and ends with both hands completely past the designated start and end lines.
Rx: Handstand Walk; M-50# / F-35#; M-20# / F-14# (10’, 9’)
Intermediate: Bear Crawl; M-35# / F-25#; M-20# / F-12# (10’, 9’)
Fitness: Bear Crawl; M-25# / F-15#; M-16# / F-10# (10’, 9’)
Time cap: 20:00
Movement standards
Handstand Walk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdgJ9jZIT-Q)
Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mlhF3dptAo)
Wall Balls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqjGKsiIMCE)
Score: Time to complete / Total reps at time cap.
Questions? Please email: [email protected]
7:00 AM // Judges Briefing
7:00 AM // Athlete Check-in
7:30 AM// Athlete Briefing
8:00 AM // First Heat
Integration Fitness
210 3rd Street North
Waite Park, MN 56387
Get REGISTERED for the Classic Today!